Organisation and Structure
The Berufliche Schule Pinneberg is one of 34 state-run vocational colleges in the Federal State of Schleswig-Holstein. Education at a state-run school is free for all students. This includes tuition, books, exams, etc.
According to the German Constitution all matters of school education are the independent responsibility of the 16 federal states. Therefore, each federal state acts in correspondence with its own school law and bears the costs. The Federal State of Schleswig-Holstein bears the personnel cost for all teachers. The examining board for the trainee teachers is a sub-department of the Federal State.
The Pinneberg County bears the personnel cost for most of the additional staff. It is also in charge of building and maintaining the school facilities and funding teaching resources like books, software, etc.

The main departments are detailed above. The largest one, the department for business and administration, is divided into three sub-departments according to the special professions they cater for. Second comes the department for technical trades. The other segments show the departments for medical assistance, for special curricula to prepare students for dual vocational training, for vocational full-time training to achieve a higher secondary degree and for social services.
For further details please have a look at our organigram. It also shows that many teachers have taken over additional general tasks like e. g. quality management or data security.